Like all investments, your well requires routine maintenance to function properly.

If your well fails, your family’s main source of drinking water is compromised, costing you time, money, and stress.

Big Star Water Wells has over a decade of experience maintaining wells. We handle everything from routine inspections to major maintenance work.

Whether it’s your well pump, casing, or electrical system that needs maintenance, we’ve got you covered.

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Well Inspections

The National Ground Water Association conducted a survey and found that 80% of respondents had never had their well inspected.

Routine well inspections allow you to catch problems when they’re small and inexpensive.

Failure to inspect your well routinely can allow otherwise minor problems to balloon into major, costly system failures.

Well inspections can give you a good idea of:

  • The amount of bacteria in your water
  • The condition of your well
  • The functionality of your tank components
  • The state of your well’s insulation system
  • What repairs and preventative maintenance you should schedule (and when you’ll need them to be done)

If you’re not sure when your last well inspection was (or it’s just been a while), call Big Star Water Wells to schedule an inspection.

Schedule a Free Phone Consultation

Well Winterizations

Winterizing a well pump is crucial, even in East Texas.

When the temperatures drop below freezing, you want to make sure you have enough insulation and that you’ve taken the necessary steps to prepare your well for winter properly.

The process can be done yourself, but you run the risk of improper winterization, allowing your well to freeze or fail.

To ensure the job is done correctly, call the pros at Big Star Water Wells to handle the winterization process for you.

Schedule a Free Phone Consultation

Well Maintenance Services

Big Star Water Wells has over 10 years of experience handling all sorts of water well maintenance.

Common problems your well can face include:

  • Hard water
  • Acidic water
  • Excessive fluoride in your water
  • Water smelling like rotten eggs
  • Excessive iron in your water

If you run into any of those problems, your water system may be compromised.

Call Big Star Water Wells for all your maintenance needs. If it’s after hours, you can still reach us for emergency services.

Schedule a Free Phone Consultation

Well Housing Services

Whether you’re looking to build a new well house or maintain your current one, Big Star Water Wells has you covered.

Well houses protect your well from the elements, helping it operate at full capacity.

If your well house has been compromised, your well is likelier to experience premature, costly failure.

When you need to maintain your current well house or build a new one, we’re here to help.

Schedule a Free Phone Consultation

Contact Us

Whatever your water well maintenance needs, we’re here to help keep your source of drinking water safe and consistent.

Give us a call today to schedule routine maintenance and keep your well functioning for years to come.